pátek 27. dubna 2012

::ALCHEMY LAB progress

Přimodelováno křeslo, doplněny knihy a listy na stole a podlaze, změna osvětlení a materiálu skla.

středa 25. dubna 2012

::Videotutoriály pro Blender 2.62

Na mém kanále na Youtube můžete nalézt už 20 videotutoriálů (přes 3 hodiny videí) o vzniku alchymistické laboratoře podle předlohy. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL043347ADF9908F1E

WIP - Alchymistická laboratoř

WIP #2 - Nový render

sobota 3. března 2012

::Painting process

Well I have to admit that I don't like to paint colored pictures. The main reason is that I have problems with color (I think I am a little bit colorblind). But despite of it I'm trying to paint a pissed girl (maybe sad - we'll see how it goes)...So what do you think? The question isn't, if she's pissed enough, but what do you think about color palette?

čtvrtek 23. února 2012

::Speedpaintings #1

:: Warrior with sword and shield

:: The Beast

::Sketches and concepts #1

Last week I've been working a lot on these new sketches and concepts I've created. It's obvious that my main subject is creating fantasy or sci-fi characters and creatures. And of course (because I am humble) I know I need to work harder and practise a lot. By the time, give me some feedback. What do you think and what needs to be done better. So, enjoy and criticise. Ahedov